044-Four houses for Sogerim s.a.
640 sqm. (1977-1979); (01-044).
– Architecture
– Construction management
– Landscaping
– Mechanical, electrical, plumbing engineering
– Physical planning
– Project management
– Quantity surveying
– Structural engineering
The plan for each house is designed around a 45° angle staircase what allows to accommodate five bedrooms, with a gross surface of 160 sqm.
– JE VAIS CONSTRUIRE, n° 43, September – October 1979, pp. 11-61; C. MAINGUET “Des maisons conçues par un ingénieur architecte”; (Belgium).
– AC 97, January 1980, notebook 1, pp. 50 – 53;(Switzerland)
– A PLUS 63, March – April 1980, p 20 ; (Belgium)
– DETAIL, Zeitschrift für Architektur, 1981 series, 6, pp. 812 – 814 ; (Germany).
– HABITATION SPACE, volume 3, 1981, B.241 ; (Switzerland)
– Giovanni PEIRS : “La terre cuite, l’architecture en terre cuite après 1945” Ed. Pierre Mardaga, 1982, p. 170 ; (Belgium).
– Anne NORMAN : ” L’espace de l’intime : 50 ans, 1950-2000, d’architecture privée en Brabant Wallon “, 112p., 2002, centre culturel du Brabant Wallon – Maison de l’urbanisme (D/2002/7245/4), pp.52-55 : ” Maisons citoyennes à Louvain-la-Neuve “; (Belgium).
– Honourable mention in the Terre Cuite Architectural Competition 1980 (Belgium). – Project nominated for the Eternit Architectural competition 1980 (Europe). – Prix HABITATION SPACE 1981 (Switzerland).
Client: | SOGERIM. |
Architecture: | B. Colin, G. Devuyst, M. Vandeput. |
Structure: | Ph. Samyn |
Services: | Ph. Samyn |
For plans sections and elevations, please refer to the archives section of the site available from the “references” menu.