463-Apartement building for the Immobiliere SEM
Nijverheid / Industrie street6
6.357 sqm; (2004); (01-463).
At design stage
An office building in Brussels central business district, built in the early sixties is, in a first project, substantially transformed to houses 38 apartments rating from 50 m² to 120 m².
It is located at the corner of the wide and planted Montoyer street on the north corner side and the narrow Nijverheid/Industrie street on the east corner side.
A portion of the building is removed above the ground floor and the remaining corner section is extended with 4 additional levels and a roof garden with linden trees.
Every apartments enjoys a balcony with a different typology, some of which being vertical gardens.
The facade is flush in white enemaneld glass.
The ground floor is devoted to handsome commercial spaces.
A car-lift gives access to a parking for 16 small city-cars.
A later acquisition of an adjacent site leeds to a substantial revision of the project, refurbishing and extending the existing building.
The two basement levels are widened to properly house the parkings.
Three sets of two office floors in mezzanine form the first six levels of the building.
They are crowned by two levels of 8 duplex appartment.
Document E41_01/463 -En Issue of 2005-03-15
01-463 | offices renovation, brussels. |
Architecture: | Partner in charge : B. Calcagno. Associates : A. Böhlke, J.-P. Buse, H. Chasseur, F. Clesse, M. Demeulenare, G. Forthomme, C. Janssens P.-L. Limbourg, A. Remue, C. Stalmans, Th. Wynen |
For plans sections and elevations, please refer to the archives section of the site available from the “references” menu.