002-Station project
(1973); (01-002).
Invited competition entry
– Architecture
– Structural engineering
This is one of the first projects designed by Philippe Samyn after returning from MIT.
There are influences from Torroja and Nervi in it, along with his interest in thin concrete shells, for which he did the calculations very carefully.
On top of a plinth, covering the bus station and a public car park, is a large field of umbrellas covering a public market and all of the railway facilities provided for travellers.
Each umbrella consists of a shaft, a capital and a canopy, all three in hyperboloid of revolution segments.
© Rendering: Polygon Graphics cvba- Stijn STRAGIER
© Drawings: Philippe SAMYN and PARTNERS, architects & engineers
For plans sections and elevations, please refer to the archives section of the site available from the “references” menu.