Page 57 - Vertical City
P. 57
Choosing the rule L/B = α = constant with L/H =
L/B × B/H = αB/ih; B/H = B/ih and L/H+B/H = (α+1)
ɣ = h{i[1-2(α+1)B/ih]+(P/i) 1/2(α+1)/h-1}/B²
Figure 18 and table 2 give the values of ɣ in function
of i for L/B = 3.8 and for the same values of B, h and P
used for figure 17.
Figure 19 superimposes the figures 17 and 18.
Figure 20 corresponds to figure19, but for L/H = 1
and L/B = 1,87 nothing else changed.
Figure 21 gives the ratio of ɣ to ɣ for P = 2.000.000 m²,
in function of P, and this with the rule L/H = 2 for i ≤ 17,
and L/B = 3,8 for i ≥ 17.
It also shows, all other factors unchanged, that ɣ
increases approximatively as the square root of the city
population or its build gross floor area.
The network model, as shown on figure 16 remains
the most effective, independently of the city size.
Let us indeed study the network volume V4 of a four
times larger city.
The volume of its networks when its 4n2 buildings
are connected to the city center following the pattern
of figure 16 is: V4.1 = 2n²Ωhi[i(2n-2)(L/H+B/H)+(i-1)].
When the centers of the four neighborhoods (or
small towns) of n2 bulding each are diagonally connec-
ted by a large conduit in cross shape to the center of
the whole, as illustrated on figure 22, the volume of this
cross connection being 2√2 n³ Ωhi²(L/H+B/H):