P. 82
The command rooms (Centre de traitement des alertes or CTA) On the roof, horizontal stainless steel nets (instead of railings)
alongside the sleeping quarters looks out onto the outside emer- prevent falls.
gency vehicle road.
The gym is lit by cellular polycarbonate panels in the upper walls.
A twin series of east-west patios, two of which are open to the sky
and extend along the north and south facades, and three of which On the top floor (Level 4), the restaurant with its outside terrace
are between the rows of offices to the west of the building, let in is located alongside a greenhouse, a garden and vegetable plot
light and optimise energy management.They also promote hygro- and offers a panoramic view over Charleroi.
thermal comfort, being equipped with ponds which reflect light
and “refresh” the outside air. This floor also sports a circular running track on its perimeter.
Philippe Samyn’s study for the building’s layout. DC 734 (2012-06-14)