P. 87
The fire station’s cylindrical form helps minimise the thermal The well-insulated walls have different skins depending on what
losses associated with a cuboid building. the space behind them is used for.
On top of this, the fact that Level 0 is half underground is a further For instance, they are white in the central light-well to better dif-
important factor in terms of thermal protection. fuse light, or covered with bamboo in the upper-floor patios.The
outside walls are covered with perforated Omega steel sheeting
The whole site meets all energy efficiency standards on account from Level 1 up to the top of the guard rail surrounding the run-
of the compactness described above and a high level of thermal ning track on the roof.
The inside walls play with shades of pure grey, as seen with verti-
Located on the top of the building, various systems for producing cal floor-to-ceiling bands or the wall signs showing where things
renewable energy (photovoltaic panels, thermal solar panels, etc.) are and where the emergency exits are located.
help lower external energy requirements.
Philippe Samyn’s use of pure grey can be traced back to his refur-
Constructed in accordance with eco-construction principles (as bishment of the Kasteel Groenhoven in Malderen in 1996-1999.
validated by a VALIDEO audit), the building harmonises with its Such pure grey colours can be obtained from Sigma Coatings.
surroundings through the best possible use of local natural re-
sources. Shades range from S 0500-N to S 9500-N, i.e. from white to black
via all shades of grey.The shades are numbered under the Natural
Levels 1 and 2 (mezzanine) constitute a heated core separated Colour System (NCS) invented by the Scandinavian Colour Insti-
from the outside by the garages, which act as a buffer. tute in 1979. For architects, the NCS classification is what the Pan-
tone Matching System is for graphic designers and printers.
The concrete walls all have a layer of thermal insulation.
With its “mirror” qualities, this pure grey actually reflects colours.
Moreover, the semi-underground car-parks lower the impact Door and window frames are made of PVC for the smaller surfaces
of sealed areas compared to an outside car-park. and of aluminium for the large entities on Level 4 (the restaurant
and greenhouse).
The pure grey coating on the outside walls is protected by perfo-
rated Omega profiles made of galvanised steel.
DC 994 (2012_08_11) DC 990 (2012_08_10)