P. 81


The staff car-park, also ring-shaped, is subdivided into a car-park      All other offices and the firemen’s living quarters are on Level 3.	
for those on 8-hour shifts (the inner circle) and firemen on 24-hour
shifts.There is secure parking for 18 bicycles behind the museum.        From the Level 3 lobby, “8-hour staff” can reach their offices, and
The east side of this level is used for service rooms, storage areas     firemen on 24-hour shift their changing rooms on Level 2. It is also
(in conjunction with the unloading bay) as well as rooms for spe-        the area where visitors are received.
cialist units.
                                                                         After getting changed into their uniforms, the firemen and para-
The museum’s reception area is adjacent to the central 13-metre          medics go to the emergency response changing rooms on Level 1
wide light-well.                                                         to stow their equipment in the assigned racks close to their emer-
                                                                         gency response vehicles.
An aisle of “masks” and the path to the training tower round off
the facilities on Level 0.                                               All the offices of the various departments, arranged in a grid
                                                                         formation, branch off the lobby alongside the central light well.
From the car-park, visitors and staff go up to the lobby on Level 3
using either the lift or the stairs adjacent to the central light-well.  The central south-north corridor is the main thoroughfare, with
This gives them a view out onto the central patio.                       two east-west decumani branching off it. Via these, staff gain ac-
	                                                                        cess to the various departments in the north and south sections of
Above the garage for the fire trucks and workshops, the small            the buildings. Going through a pair of double doors, we arrive at
Level 2 is used for private changing rooms, paramedic rooms and          the firemen’s living quarters, inter alia the gym, television room,
a few offices which get their light from the central light well.         rest rooms, classroom, recycling room, 30-man debriefing room,
	                                                                        120-man lecture theatre and sleeping quarters.

Extract from the competition brochure. (2012_08_22)
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