P. 62


Annual average solar energy harvest in Belgium   DC 897 (2012-07-25).
(50 °N) depending on the orientation and slope
of a surface. The white lines correspond to
the orientation of the surface, while the white
circles correspond to the slope, whereby the
centre represents the horizontal (0°) and the
far right circle the vertical (90°).
The coloured curves correspond to an overall
annual harvest between 1 100 kWh/m²
(100%: red) and 385 kWh/m² (35%: violet).
The black curves represent the trajectories
of the sun during the hours of a day and the
months of a year, whereby the upper line
corresponds to the sun’s trajectory on 21 June
(summer solstice), the lower line to that on
21 December (winter solstice) and the middle
one to that on 21 September and 21 March
(the autumn and spring equinoxes).
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