P. 57


The site and the SWOT study                                            stream, the alluvial plain and the stream have been completely
The detailed studies of the site (history, soil and subsoil, hydrog-   covered over, with no surface run-off at all.
raphy, hydrogeology, flora and fauna, rainfall, temperatures and
sunlight, light pollution, wind), were summarized in the SWOT          In 1978, 20 years after the end of mining, the colliery buildings
(strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) report, which was      were demolished to make way for the Ring 3 motorway south
to become the basis for developing the project.                        of Charleroi.

Site history                                                           The “LaTombe” site to the south-west was used as a backfill site
In 1866, the land sloped naturally (5.5%) towards the north.To the     for the soil and rubble excavated during the construction of the
west, the site was bordered by a stream, the Bataille, which has       motorway.
since been partially filled.

Industrial coal-mining started in the north-east, and several railway  The south-west part of the slag heap, where the fire station is now
lines served Coal Pit No. 8.                                           located, is to a great extent covered by this backfill, explaining the
                                                                       thickness of this layer and the fact that the station’s foundations
In 1892, the first colliery buildings were constructed and mining      had to be adapted to it.
expanded to the north of the site, extending to the alluvial plain
beyond it.                                                             With the exception of one building, all traces of the old colliery
                                                                       have disappeared. Over the years, the slag heap has become
Mining stopped in 1963, with the slag heap at its highest.The slag     covered by trees and vegetation.
all came from the north-east pit.
                                                                       A wet zone alongside the A503 motorway to the north-east of
To the north, the colliery now known as “Le Cherbois” has since        the slag heap serves as proof that the Bataille stream still flows
been developed, and is served by a considerably larger rail net-       underneath the layer of backfill.
                                                                       Two buildings, that of the highway authority and that of the
The slag heap obstructs the natural bed of the Bataille stream,        Federal Police, have been constructed on the backfill to the
with the result that it flows into two small ponds. Further down-      south-east of the slag heap.

1978                                                                   2000  Aerial view, 2010
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