P. 60
Rainfall Light pollution map of Belgium and Charleroi (Source:
The Sambre sub-basin features high rainfall levels: the annual
average for the last 30 years was 876 mm, rising to 908 mm for Certain moths living on the slag heap could also be attracted
the last 10 years, whereas the centre and north of Belgium only by a roof lit up at night, becoming easy prey for predators.
average 800 mm.
Finally, the amphibians living in the wet zone north of the site and
The annual number of rain days has averaged 231 for the last on the slag heap are also very sensitive to artificial lighting, possi-
30 years and 227 for the last 10 years, against 180 days for the bly leading to disorders in their metabolism during their circadian
centre of Belgium. cycle.
These already high figures are boosted locally by falls in tem- As a consequence, measures have been taken to limit the amount
perature on slag heap flanks which, due to the altitude, result in of light pollution, without compromising the station’s safety and
the condensation of wet air brought to the area by south-westerly security at night.
For instance, all skyward light diffusion is avoided through the use
The fire station’s green roofs and its buffer tank are thus a wise of specific light fixtures and shading devices, by light levels tuned
precaution for helping control rainwater. to needs via adjustable lighting; reflectors eliminate any glare,
lighting is limited in time through timers and motion detectors;
Temperatures and sunlight lights are mainly low pressure sodium or LED; light scattering is
Temperatures are normal for the centre of Belgium. used throughout the building to facilitate ocular adaptation, i.e.
gradual transitions from darkness to light.
Light pollution
The Charleroi agglomeration is one of Belgium’s areas with
the highest level of light pollution.
The slag heap next to which the fire station is located is a land-
mark and stopping-off point for migrating birds (as already
mentioned above).
The project has avoided all lighting pointing skywards, as
this would put this function of the slag heap at risk, while
at the same time attracting many insects and predators.
Air circulation of prevailing winds and thermals
and overview of wind flows.