P. 29


computer room, library, rest room). This is followed by the 14:00 -    WHAT DOES AN EMERGENCY RESPONSE INVOLVE?
17:00 sports time slot, when staff gather in the gym, or outside if
weather conditions permit. The slot may also be used to complete       Emergency calls (100 or 112) are received by the Mons 100 call
any unfinished maintenance work.                                       centre. This in turn, dependent on the fire service responsible for
                                                                       the territory and the facilities available, alerts the Charleroi fire
From 17:00 to 22:00, the firemen attend to various tasks. They eat     brigade’s control centre (Centre de traitement des alertes or CTA),
their evening meal in the canteen at 18:30, at the end of which        in certain cases via an XML message sent straight from the Mons
they will stow equipment, do the washing-up, clean the kitchen,        call centre’s IT system to the dispatching hard and software).
etc., while the officers finish their paperwork.                       This integrated system automatically alerts the fire station in the
                                                                       form of predefined audible and visual alerts (a series of musical
Around 22:00, the firemen retire to their sleeping quarters, which     notes, a pre-alert message, red lights, posts on LCD screens, etc.)
they leave at 06:45 to perform the various end-of-shift tasks such
as emptying waste-bins, getting the sleeping quarters ready for        The duty officers check the nature of the call and the availability
the next shift, etc.                                                   of response teams in the Charleroi and Jumet fire stations. The
                                                                       control centre staff, possibly assisted by the duty officer, decide
At 07:30, the firemen stow away their personal protection equip-       which equipment is needed to respond to the call.
ment, take off their uniforms, have a shower and get ready to
leave the fire station.                                                The dispatching system will have already transmitted the in-
                                                                       formation to the printer in the response vehicle hall and to the
This description obviously takes no account of possible call-outs,     vehicles’ navigation systems.
which can occur at any time. The paramedics and firemen, ser-
geants, drivers and duty officers must be in a position to get to      The general alert is given via a message containing the station
their vehicles as quickly as possible from wherever they are on        (Jumet or Charleroi), the team concerned, the location of the
the premises, whether the gym, the outside training area, the          incident and potential aggravating factors.
mechanical workshop, the living and sleeping quarters.
                                                                       On the pre-alert, the destination and ID of the incident are
“Firemen are very knowledgeable. They have retained all the no-        displayed on screens installed throughout the station.
blesse of physical work, augmented by a hefty dose of training.
Firemen are there to respond to major disasters. They have a touch     The firemen assigned to the response team immediately stop
of the UFO robot Grendizer, the defender of the Earth. They are        what are they doing, wherever they are on the premises, and
today’s heroes. They go out together to fight fires, like brothers.    head for their vehicle, running or sliding down poles. For obvious
Our work is for heroes. They have chosen this calling in life. In      reasons, these distances must be as short and direct as possible.
response to their courage, their altruism, I wanted to give them
an endearing building. I wanted to give them a place for contem-       The response team grab their personal protection equipment and
plation, a square for heroes! This is to be a place dedicated to an    jump into the vehicle. Control centre staff activate the mechanism
elevation of thought, uniting all firemen via a large chain, marking   for automatically opening the garage doors in case the dispatch-
this enduring link between all firemen, including those who have       ing system has not already done such.
died or been injured, the whole Charleroi fire brigade, all firemen
in Belgium and abroad. Each major disaster has its own particular      The response team leaves the fire station via a one-way road,
fresco. We need a fresco on this heroes’ square. I also plan to offer  going past the entry barrier raised automatically either by the
a hymn to the firemen, a composition dedicated to them.”               station’s management system, or possibly by the control centre.
Philippe Samyn
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