Page 32 - AGC_EN_iBook
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implementation phase. During the preparatory or ‘incubation’ period the design is redrawn and recalculated and building techniques are optimized.This phase is essential: it enables the in-depth study of all aspects of the construction, so that all par- ties can be wholly familiar with every element of the project.This detailed knowledge makes it possible to anticipate problems and quickly assess the likely consequences of changes or unforeseen circumstances during the implementation phase.These factors all in uence the methods and order of implementation and require continual adjustments to be made with regard to planning and budgetary control.
This type of collaboration differs radically from the traditional pro- cedures used for public tenders, where the building contractors are only approached after the designers have already submitted
a coherent plan. Moreover, the awarding of the contract to the contractor is often based on price alone (the lowest price gets
the contract) and there is usually pressure to start work almost immediately.This combination of low price and minimal prepara- tion frequently places both designers and contractors in a dif cult position.This can result in budget overspends, failure to respect the agreed time schedule and bitter disputes about responsibility for these shortcomings. Implementation through a building team using the ‘design and build’ formula avoids these situations. More- over, the building should not cost any more with this formula than with traditional tendering methods. If additional costs do need to be incurred, this will only happen as a result of consensus deci- sions taken by all the partners collectively during the course
of the building process.
april 2012
table 1. Work time in hours of the architects and engineers y axis: hours worked per month
x axis: time
(*) BeaI work time is con dential
1 Initial discussions
2 Submission of tender
3 Competition phase 2 (BeaI) and period
spent waiting for the results
4 Preparatory period;
Design and implementation documents;
application for planning permission
5 Start of the work
6 mock-up 2nd facade
7 the ‘extension’ episode
8 Realization period
9Delivery 10 aftercare
table 2. Work time in hours of the Van Roey engineers y axis: hours worked per month
x axis: time
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Work during the implementation
Work preparatory to the implementation
Initial discussions
Submission of tender
Preparation period with the architects and engineers Start of the work
the ‘extension’ episode
Realization period
2013 2014
Site preparation and groundwork
Foundation posts and foundation basement
massive concrete slabs and columns on ground level; shell work basement
First- oor slab
Concrete core activation in oor slabs
Second- oor slab Roof slab
Assembly main staircase Steel structure gallery
Roof covering
Exterior woodwork and bamboo facade covering
Wooden terraces and interior gardens Second facade in glass panels
Technical installations in shafts or under the raised oor Installation of raised oors
Drywall partitions and spray-plaster ceilings
Interior woodwork
Wood ooring and carpet
Kitchen and restaurant
Technical installations in basement; BTES eld; PV panels
Surround works Delivery