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At the initiative of Philippe Samyn, a ‘made-to-measure’ team was put together for the implementation of the commission. The partners shared know-how, interest and mutual respect on the basis of their many years of prior collaboration.
tHe INteGRateD team OF SaI aND BeaI
A consortium was set up between, rstly, Philippe Samyn and Partners, architects and engineers (SAI), and, secondly, BEAI, architects.This temporary company was responsible for the design. SAI and BEAI have been working together for some time, including on the project for the restructuring and extension of the Brugmann hospital in Laeken (01-312). They also enlisted the ser- vices of FTI (FlowTransfer International, experts in services engi- neering and a sister company of SAI since 1989) and the
Meijer Engineering Bureau (specialized in structural engineering and another subsidiary of SAI since 2007).The Leuven-based Daidalos Peutz Consultancy, experts in building physics, was employed on a subcontracting basis by FTI. For landscape inte- gration it was decided to use landscape architect Erik Dhont.The study and implementation of the kitchen and restaurant area were carried out by FBO Consulting. SAI has worked with these partners for several years on the realization of various projects.
tHe INteGRateD VR team
Van Roey NV (VR) was responsible for the complete building pro- cess: the shell, technical installations, interior nishing and out- door landscaping. In addition to its own specialists, VR relied on the wide network of external partners that the company has built up over the years (architects, consultancies, subcontractors and suppliers). It was VR’s responsibility to ensure that the planning
march 2012
and budget were properly respected and that open and respectful communication was conducted with all the building partners.Their task was to ensure the delivery of high quality at two levels: the implementation of the building tasks (the desired result), and the inter-partner collaboration (the human aspect).
VR has consciously specialized in the construction of sustainable and low-energy buildings, using the ‘design and build’ formula implemented through a building team. On the one hand, they focus on the optimization of project development and implementa- tion; on the other they concentrate their attention on their role as managers of the ‘design and build’ process.They operate within this niche market and prefer to avoid public tenders, where price is the only criterion for the awarding of contracts. In other words, VR searches for innovative forms of collaboration in projects that they can carry out with various other partners.Their choices are always carefully made.
The excellent collaboration between VR and SAI rst began
20 years ago with the realization of the Nissan EuropeanTechnol- ogy Centre ( gure 1 [01/225]) in Louvain-La-Neuve. Further collabo- rations followed at the instigation of VR. In 2005 the partnership won the competition to design and build the Euroshopping com- plex ( gure 2 [01/500]) in Mechelen, but the project was never car- ried out.The successful 2010 competition design for the develop- ment of theTinel site [01/580] was revived in 2013.The competition for the design and execution of the new college tower in Kortrijk ( gure 3 [01/510]) was another success, although work was delayed between 2006 and 2013 because of the need to await the amend- ment of the local spatial implementation plan.The project is now scheduled to start in 2014.
2012 2013 2014
Site preparation and groundwork
Foundation posts and foundation basement
massive concrete slabs and columns on ground level; shell work basement
First- oor slab
Concrete core activation in oor slabs
Second- oor slab Roof slab
Assembly main staircase Steel structure gallery
Roof covering
Exterior woodwork and bamboo facade covering
Wooden terraces and interior gardens Second facade in glass panels
Technical installations in shafts or under the raised oor Installation of raised oors
Drywall partitions and spray-plaster ceilings
Interior woodwork
Wood ooring and carpet
Kitchen and restaurant
Technical installations in basement; BTES eld; PV panels
Surround works Delivery