Page 29 - Vertical City
P. 29


                     [figure 7]
                     the L/H rule ignores the effects of scale as illustrated
                     in these views of Manhattan and Saint Tropez.

to flex from five (A) or ten (B) levels to a horizontal
asymptote, whether for towers on a square or circu-
lar plan (cases XI and XII), it reaches a maximum for 4
levels (C) and decreases towards zero for more levels.

   In parallel, the ground occupation coefficient C/S for
its part (figure 10, also for L/H = 2) decreases steeply to
0,25 for A, B, C, before slowly reaching zero. A traditio-
nal city, of four stories, according to the schema III (D)
of figure 8 presents a C/S of 75%. Of course, this only
concerns the net density, but the total gross density is
seriously impacted.

   This model only will, perhaps, no longer be viable
taking into account our requirements for empty space
and agricultural land, and is at the heart of this issue.
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