P. 99


The ceiling of Level 1 is carried by 48 precast and pre-stressed re-   The square-patterned inside walls on Level 3 are built of sand-lime
inforced concrete radial beams with a span of 16.50 metres and a       blocks, insulated on the outside with glass wool with a bamboo
height of 1.10 metres resting on circular columns on the periphery,    cladding, with the exception of the central atrium and technical
and on columns, load-bearing walls or ring lintels at right angles     rooms.
to the outer cylinder of the central core.
                                                                       The precast walls are superimposed, reinforced with rebars to
These beams, each with a length of 19.60 metres, project 2.90 me-      form a continuous vertical structure.
tres outside the building, aligning them with the facade of the up-
per floors.                                                            Glulam beams bear the roof of the gym and the restaurant.

This cantilever takes bending pressure off the beam and therefore      In conclusion, a system of slabs is adapted to the different mor-
helps reduce its section.                                              phological conditions of the three floors, circular for the emergen-
                                                                       cy response area and square for the floors (Levels 3 & 4) contain-
Placed on top of these beams, precast concrete slabs make up the       ing offices and the firemen’s living quarters.
floor of the next level.
                                                                       The weight of the many walls on Levels 3 and 4 is distributed via
The central shear wall core is based on prefabricated walls, beams     the “floor panels” to a number of structural elements on Level 1.
and columns arranged in an orthogonal grid supporting a concrete
floor plate cast in place.                                             This “strategy” keeps the emergency response deck free of obsta-
The floor of level 3 constitutes a kind of “apron” supporting all the
upper structural elements without too many vertical load transfer      On Level 0, a large number of columns distribute loads to the
constraints.                                                           foundations.

                                                                       All these structures have been optimised with a view to reducing
                                                                       the amount of material needed, and thus their cost.

Plan for the prefabricated walls.
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