P. 43


In its report to the awarding body, the selection panel gave the top  1 – Letter of 20 May 2008 (ref. DBAT/Fin Alt/Notif./52011) from the Ministry
ranking to the draft bearing the number ‘3’. In doing so, it high-    in charge of Local Authorities to the Charleroi awarding body.
lighted the optimal layout of the garage and its traffic management   2 – Extract from the minutes of the 28 September 2009 council meeting.
scheme resulting from the building’s circular shape.                  3 – Extract from the minutes of the 18 December 2009 council meeting.
                                                                      4 – Extract from the minutes of the 18 December 2009 council meeting.
On 28 September 2012, the Charleroi awarding body upheld the          5 – Extract from the minutes of the 26 April 2010 council meeting.
panel’s selection, stating:                                           6 – Extract from the minutes of the 14 June 2010 council meeting.
                                                                      7 – Extract from the minutes of the 29 August 2011 council meeting.
“On account of the planned circular shape, the draft bearing the      8 – Extract from p.33 of the specifications for the new Charleroi fire station
number ‘3’ presents an advantage considered as essential by the       “La nouvelle caserne des pompiers pour le service régional d’incendie (SRI)
awarding body, i.e. in the garage’s ease of use.This draft design     à 6001 Charleroi – Tome II – du cahier des charges – Clauses techniques”.
prevents emergency vehicles having to reverse to get into their       9 – Extract from the minutes of the 29 August 2011 council meeting.
parking positions.”13                                                 10 – Extract from the minutes of the 28 September 2012 council meeting.
                                                                      11 – Ibid.
For this reason, the awarding body has decided to award               12 – Philippe Samyn.
the design & build contract for the new fire station to CIT           13 – Extract from the minutes of the 28 September 2012 council meeting.
Blaton -Thomas & Piron Bâtiment consortium for a total                14 – Ibid.
of EUR 25,429,735.17 ex. VAT 14.
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