P. 117
A modular structure, based on facade rectangles 3.00m wide and The anchoring of the staircase landings, subject to torsion, was
1.98m high, dictates the building’s design. also factory-tested.
Each floor of the tower (3.96m) corresponds to two rectangles and When one of a panel’s dimensions exceeds the standard manufac-
to 24 steps, each 16.5cm high. turing width, sheets are welded together usingTIG (Tungsten Inert
Gas) welding, a form of welding using no extra metal. After grind-
Bedded in concrete, the four corners of the metal tower are made ing and electroplating, the “seam” is absolutely invisible.
up of four L profiles (120 x 120mm and 15mm thick), spaced at
3.00m from each other and stiffened by a horizontal plate welded to This is not the first time Samyn and Partners have used perforated
the inside of the L every 1.98m (1).This plate is duplicated halfway steel sheeting in a structural role. For instance, the staircases in
up the tower to allow the superimposed metal frame section (2) to the Europa building, the new headquarters for the Council of Eu-
be bolted on. On each facade, horizontal bars with a cross-section rope, are suspended from walls made of perforated steel sheeting.
of 90 x 10mm link the vertical corner profiles, again every 1.98m. Similarly, in the house of Alain Hubert, the staircase railings consti-
tute the weight-bearing beam.
The tower is fully braced by the facade, made up of steel frames
inset with perforated steel sheeting (5). 2mm thick, the S235 steel THE STAIRCASES
sheeting is perforated diagonally with 16mm holes every 20mm
(abbreviated: R16T20).The frames are bolted to the vertical L cor- The lower staircase is fixed to the concrete wall via a wall-facing
ner profiles and to the horizontal bars.The only exceptions are the stringer, onto which the cantilevered steps are bolted.The treads of
two lowest modules on the south face which have to be kept free the prefabricated steps were replaced by a thicker material to take
to give access to the sloping roof of the “house”. Here, the open up the bending stress.
facade is braced by an X-shaped cross.
To improve rigidity, an outer stringer has been added.This rests
The concrete panels making up the West facade are connected to on brackets at the corner of each landing, which act as risers.
the L corner profiles by means of lugs bolted to anchoring rails set
in the concrete (3).These concrete panels thus have the same func- Turning to the upper staircase, here the inside stringers are bolted
tion as the perforated steel ones. to the vertical corner profiles by means of plates welded onto the
latter and whose thickness is equal to half of that of the stringer,
To check the stability of the perforated steel sheeting, a 2,000kg which is thinner at this point so that these joints do not stick out (4).
traction test was carried out in the factory.
Staircase for the Council of Europe building. (Ref. 01 | 494) Staircase for the house of Alain Hubert. (Ref. 01 | 584)