Page 39 - AGC_EN_iBook
P. 39
It is possible to reduce emissions in the short term and without great expense in the construction sector, above all by improving the energy ef ciency of buildings.
The European Commission has compiled an energy agenda in three phases:
– 2006: Action Plan for Energy Ef ciency;
– 2010: Recast Directive on the energy performance of buildings (up to 2020);
– 2011: Roadmap for moving to a low-carbon economy in 2050.
This Action Plan outlines a framework of policies and measures with a view to intensifying the process of realizing the over 20% estimated savings potential in EU annual primary energy con- sumption by 2020.
The Action Plan is intended to mobilize the general public and decision-makers at all levels of government together with market actors, and to transform the internal energy market in a way that provides EU citizens with the globally most energy-ef cient infra- structure, buildings, appliances, processes, transport means and energy systems.
Given the importance of the human factor in reducing energy con- sumption, this Action Plan also encourages citizens to use energy in the most rational manner possible. Energy ef ciency is about informed choices by individuals, not just about legislation.
The priority measures set forth in the Action Plan are:
– appliance and equipment labelling and minimum energy performance standards;
– building performance requirements and very low energy buildings (‘passive houses’);
– making power generation and distribution more ef cient;
– achieving fuel ef ciency of cars;
– facilitating appropriate  nancing of energy ef ciency invest- ments for small and medium enterprises and Energy Service Companies.
The Plan introduces the promotion of energy from renewable sources and provides for encouraging energy ef ciency within the context of a binding target to increase the share of energy from renewable sources to 20% of total EU energy consumption by 2020.
In 2002, the European Directive on the energy performance of buildings was the starting point for developing appropriate legisla- tion in the different EU member states.The Commission recast the Directive in 2010, laying down requirements as regards, among others:
– the common general framework for a methodology for calculating the integrated energy performance of buildings and building units;

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