Page 60 - AGC_EN_iBook
P. 60
high-growing trees, such as Quercus robur, Quercus petraea, Gleditsia triacanthos ‘Inermis’, Alnus glutinosa, Carpinus betulus and Pinus sylvestris
An area of mixed woodland and open spaces is planned, made up of mixed hedges and  eld trees
A network of ‘micro-hills’ aimed at forming a network of interconnected rainwater catchment basins enabling surface water to drain off slowly
Micro-hills as islands, averaging 1 m in height and covered with natural vegetation
Planted areas of herbaceous plants,  owering meadows and natural banks essentially left wild
Lawns subject to extensive care (990 m2)
Natural ditches for draining off water
hornbeam and hawthorn hedges
Leisure area with table-tennis tables, a pétanque pitch and benches
Remodelling the landscape: the ‘as built’ plan
A smoking area with shelters

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